Sunday, January 3, 2010


I have observed the 'controversy' about Obambi's provenance and I want to offer my thoughts here.

I found it highly unusual how Obambi was allowed to just fill in his resume as he wanted it shown and the complete lack of investigation by the media into him. No college transcripts, no job or client history, no medical history. And, limited birth information. With his history, reasonable people can question him and wonder what the true story is. When Obambi refuses to allow his complete and original birth certificate, naturally it leads to questions as to why. Is there something to hide? if not, why not release it?

For what it's worth, I think Obambi was born in Hawaii. I think what he is hiding is that his name was legally changed and he legally became an Indonesian as 'Barry Soetoro'. Further, I do not view this as a barrier as he status was determined by others when he was a minor. What else is there to hide?

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